Drying the Harvest, Perennial Garden Maintenance and Understudy Plants

:35 What’s For Dinner? How you can preserve the plants you forage for or grow by dehydrating.

6:07 Insider Information: Herbs: The Delightful Dozen – Ellen and C.L. talk about their must-grow herbs. Chives, Fennel, Thyme, Mint, Dill, French Tarragon, Lemon Verbena, Lavender, Sage, Rosemary, Basil, Cilantro. 

18:42 Eat/Drink/Grow:   Early summer perennial maintenance.

Even early in the summer there are weeds that are growing in your perennial garden. Weeding is one of the must-accomplish tasks to keep your garden beautiful.

25:03 Did You Know: “Understudy Plants” Raising a few things as backup, because the show must go on!

30:40 Love Letters and Questions: Skylar wrote to ask if you can assume that if one flower is edible, does that mean all varieties of the same type are also edible.

Here the variegated Basil called Pesto Perpetuo is used with other annuals in a part edible, part ornamental garden.

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