Fertilizing, Carnivorous Plants, and Dealing With Deer
:30 What’s for dinner: Throw it on the Barbie! Grilling, farmed and foraged.
5:52 Plant noob: How often do I have to fertilize annuals, perennials and containers?
12:58 Eat/Drink/Grow: “Feed Me!” Carnivorous plants… grow your own bug traps…just don’t try and feed them hamburger.
Carnivorous plants can be ordered online from Predatory Plants, Grow Carnivorous Plants, and Logees.
19:43 Insider Information: Battling Bambi – a few quick tips about deer control.
25:49 Love Letters and Questions Email from Chelsea who asks about growing edibles on a windy NYC terrace.

Sugar snap peas cooked on the barbecue…brushed with a mix of tamari and olive oil.

This is a hanging basket filled with a pitcher plant. The next two photos show the pitchers that trap the insects, and what was in just one of them when I poured it out!

This Nepenthes caught dozens of flies every day. A great plant to hang near your outdoor dining area.

Catch of the day! I poured the contents from one of the pitchers into a yogurt container and this is what I saw. Insect stew!

Sarracenias are carnivorous bog plants that are especially beautiful and a bit quirky.

Here is a tomato plant being grown on a terrace. If your location is especially windy, consider putting a trellis horizontal instead of vertical, and letting the tomato stems trail on the flat surface instead of climb up.
CL & Ellen, not only do I listen to your podcasts, I refer back to them when writing or teaching garden classes. Your advice on fertilizing dry plants came in handy for an article I’m writing after a quick search of your podcasts. Thanks for educating moi! Please keep up the great work!!
Thanks, Michele! We appreciate hearing this so much.