Leaf Edges, Containers for Seedlings and Hazardous Potting Mix
Learn about the best containers for starting seeds (and it’s not ice cream cones or eggshells), why leaf edges are important, and how to make “juice mousse.” Plus a discussion about how good potting mix can go bad.
:31 What’s For Dinner: Juice Mousse – (no, not moose juice!) See Ellen’s recipe here.
4:04 Plant Noob: What are the “leaf margins” and why is this information useful?
7:20 Eat/Drink/Grow: Containers for seed starting…and no, those cute photos on Pinterest or Facebook aren’t a good idea.
17:45 Love Letters and Questions: Pete asks if there is such a thing as “killer potting soil,” aka potting mix that makes you sick.
Books mentioned in this episode:
A Botanist’s Vocabulary
Plant Identification Terminology
An Island Garden (Celia Thaxter)

What’s for dinner? A wild plum juice mousse.

The edges of leaves are called the leaf margins and how they look is used to identify plants.

C.L. uses recycled small square pots for starting her seeds. Many garden centers have these in their recycling bins, or are willing to save them for reuse by their customers.

Most garden centers sell plastic six-packs that can be reused for at least a second season…even longer if you’re careful with them.