Anthuriums, GMO Seeds, and Good Winter Reads
Looking for an amazing houseplant that flowers all year? Worried that the seeds you buy might be GMO’s? Could you use a good book to read this winter? All of these topics and using shredding paper in the garden, in this episode.
29 Plant Noob: Are some seeds available to home gardeners GMO?
4:21 Eat/Drink/Grow: Amazing Anthuriums
14:15 Product Review: Good winter reads – fiction that features plants.
22:16 Love Letters and Questions Karl wrote asking if the stuff from his paper shredder would make good mulch.

It’s hard enough to choose which seeds to plant, without worrying that you’re purchasing GMO varieties.

Although red is the classic Anthurium we’ve been familiar with for some time, they’re not available in several other colors.

Anthuriums almost look like they’re made of plastic.