May Foraging, Annual Sunflowers and What Plants Do At Night
In this episode you’ll hear what you can forage for in May, learn about what plants do in the nighttime, and discover the joy of planting annual sunflowers. Ellen and C.L. also explain how some plants deliver beauty inside during the winter and outdoors in the summer. Plus we answer Sara’s email asking if it’s too late to plant in her yard and gardens.
:32 What’s For Dinner: May foraging
4:27 Insider Information: What plants do at nighttime.
10:49 Eat/Drink/Grow: Why you should grow annual sunflowers.
17:00 Did You Know: Double duty plants. Why some plants can be used for outside décor and indoor plants.
22.39 Love Letters and Questions: Sara asks if it’s too late to plant.

Do plants sleep? No, they are busy at night.

The Monstera plant on C.L.’s front porch (on the left by the chair) is an example of a plant that adds drama outside, and becomes a sculptural houseplant in the winter.

The crotons and ferns in this planter are typical houseplants that can be used outdoors in lush displays over the summer. Here they are combined with begonias, coleus and other annuals in a lovely arrangement in part-shade.