Peppers, Dry Summers, and a Clover Lawn

In this episode Ellen and C.L. discuss some favorite peppers, and answer common listener questions about drought-damaged plants and helping their gardens recover from a hot, dry summer. We share an exciting new plant from Proven Winners, and answer a listener’s question about clover lawns.

:36 What’s For Dinner: Peppers!
10:39 Eat/Drink/Grow:  Recovering From A Hot, Dry Summer
19:45 Insider Information:  Excited about Queen Tut Papyrus
21:35 Love Letters and Questions: Sandy writes:  “Do you like clover lawns?”

Thanks to our sponsor, Dramm at!

Whether you love to grow hot peppers, sweet peppers, or all sorts, this podcast celebrates peppers.

C.L. was so excited to spot this papyrus in the Proven Winner’s booth at the Cultivate trade show in Ohio.

Sparky celebrates having clover in a lawn.

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