Shagbark Hickory, Starting Flowers From Seed, and Organic Fertilizers
This program explains why you might want to plant a hickory tree, and which flowers can be started indoors this spring. C.L. and Ellen also discuss how organic fertilizers work and why you should appreciate that they aren’t instantly available to plants. The episode ends with the mystery of the disappearing foxglove plants.
:30 Did You Know: What is a shagbark hickory tree and why should you care?recipe for shagbark hickory syrup:
Go Native Tree Farm in Manheim PA is a place you can order hickory trees:
5:52 Eat/Drink/Grow: Yes, it’s time to start thinking about which flowers to grow from seeds.
18:07 Inside Information: How organic fertilizers work.
20:55 Love Letters and Questions: Portia is wondering why her foxgloves have disappeared.
This episode of Plantrama is brought to you by American Meadows.
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Don’t start fast-growing seedlings too early.

Hickory nuts look like tiny walnuts.


This is why it’s called “shag bark.”
Wonderful information. I appreciate hearing some gardening inspiration when the temperature outside is in the single digits.I too wondered what happened to my foxgloves. I may have over cleaned the flower beds. I will definitely sow some seeds this spring. I do have a question about the use of epsom salts in the garden. Every once in a while it comes up in gardening advice. That and bone meal. Are they worth using?
Most people don’t even know what they’re applying when they add epsom salt to the garden. We ranted about this on a previous episode, so be sure to listen:
It was also one of the myths that C.L. wrote about in her book, Coffee for Roses. Bottom line? Only add Epsom Salt if a soil test shows that your garden is low in magnesium. Bone meal isn’t the same nutrient-packed product it once was in that now bones have most of the “good stuff” removed before being made into bone meal. You’re better off if you either use a general organic fertilizer that contains all nutrients in proper proportions, or even better, you have a soil test first to see if nutrients are needed at all. Thanks for listening!
Thanks for the clarification. Will get a soil test done and save the epsom salts for soaking feet after a long day in the garden.
Sounds like a perfect solution!