Windowboxes, Easy Vegetables from Seed, and Bad Garden Advice
Ellen and C.L. provide the 1-2-3 steps to planting window boxes, discuss some really bad plant advice seen online, talk about easy vegetables to grow from seed, and answer a question about winter protection.
:35 Plantrama 1 2 3: I want to put window boxes on the front of my house.
8:20 True or False: Putting used diapers in the bottom of a hanging basket!
11:20 Eat/Drink/Grow: Easiest Vegetables to Grow From Seed
20:22 Love Letters and Questions: Harry asks ”Is it too late to wrap plants?”

These window boxes only get a couple of hours of sun late in the day, so they are planted with flowers that do well in shade. Seen here (in August) are a variegated upright Fuschia, a blue Lobelia, yellow Calibrachoa, and red Begonias.

Are you kidding us? Put a dirty diaper in the bottom of a hanging basket or other container? Yikes! There’s some really bad advice on the internet.

Squash is one of the easiest vegetables to grow from seed. Most of the time you can plant the seeds directly in the ground.
Hello ladies, could you tell me what is growing under the roof line in the picture of the shade loving window boxes. Also, the rustic shutters are cool.
Thanks for listening to Plantrama! That is a Doyle’s Thornless Blackberry…the canes grow 12 to 15 feet long, so perfect for training up walls or along roof lines. And thanks for the compliment for the shutters – my husband made them. (In fact, he built the entire shed!)