Winter Cocktails, Poinsettias, Preventing Mouse Damage and A Solstice Celebration
What’s For Dinner :40 Winter cocktails are on the menu in this episode. Ellen gives a recipe for a foraged Carob Horchata and C.L. talks about using the rosemary plant your brought indoors to create a Rosemary Ginger Cocktail.
Read Ellen’s recipe for the Carob Horchata here.
C.L.’s recipe for a Rosemary Cocktail here.
Insider Information 4:20 Mice! How to prevent mouse damage on newly planted trees and in other garden situations.
Eat/Drink/Grow 10:02 In this section you’ll find out how C.L. feels about Poinsettias (pro) and Ellen doesn’t hold back about her opinion (con) of Euphorbia pulcherrima. We discuss the history, care and advantages of this popular holiday plant. And if you think that Ellen and C.L. disagree about the merits of poinsettias in general, just wait until C.L. mentions spray-painting the plant…
Did You Know 21:01 After the total disagreement about Euphorbia pulcherrima, it’s back to common ground with a discussion of luminarias and celebrating the solstice.
Love Letters and Questions 25:25 Today Ellen and C.L. give the recorded equivalent of thank you notes, expressing appreciation for people who wrote such great reviews of Plantrama on iTunes.

If you buy a Poinsettia with a variegated leaf you can use that plant in mixed containers in the summer. The red bracts will be gone by then, but the cream and green leaves will contrast nicely with summer-flowering annuals.

Ellen calls this a “crime against horticulture.” I call it fun. Rock and roll!

So to be fair, here is the crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii) plant that Ellen prefers over Poinsettias. Yes, I love this plant too and yes, she’s correct that it flowers all year and is easy to grow. I’d call it cheerful, but not lush. What do YOU think?

Shhhh! I’m sneaking as many photos of Poinsettias in as possible here. Let’s see if Ellen notices.