Your Outdoor Office, Peaches, and Arugula vs. Garlic Mustard

Ellen and C.L. both love arugula, and C.L. talks about how easy it is to grow from seed. But Ellen prefers to forage for her greens, so in this episode it’s Arugula vs. Garlic Mustard! For the plant noob we offer information about the type of plants you’ll find in the landscape, and begin our series about Your Outdoor Office. Finally, we are inspired by the article about peach recipes in the summer issue of Better Homes and Gardens, and offer some insider information about growing your own delicious fruit. An email about “blooming on old wood” finishes up this episode.

Plants mentioned:
Garlic mustard
Aristolochia macrophylla aka Dutchman’s Pipe, a large-growing vine for screening porches

Plantable bar that would also make a great stand-up desk for your outside office is from Gardener’s Supply Company in Vermont.

We loved the latest issue of Better Homes and Gardens Magazine so check their site for the recipes we mentioned.

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