Plantrama Reviews, Discovering New Plants, and Succulents for Boxes

This episode of Plantrama gives you a heads up about two great plants, talks about what happens when people find/discover a new plant and want to either patent it or otherwise bring it to market. We end with advise for Helen about her boxes in San Francisco.

:30 Insider Information – Plant Reviews:   Burpee Silky Sweet Hybrid Turnip and Agastache ‘Glowing Embers’ from High Country Gardens
6:01 Eat/Drink/Grow: What to do if you’ve discovered a new plant.
19:24 Love Letters and Questions: Helen writes to ask for our suggestions for plants in her boxes in San Francisco. She says, “Currently I have dead chrysanthemum plants in there and wanted something that would be more permanent.”

These Silky Sweet Turnips are about the size of a tennis ball…perfect for any meals you have in mind.

I used the turnips in a quinoa salad with carrots and kale from the garden. They add that crunch that makes such a side dish more interesting, and their mild flavor is delightful.

Ellen’s review of the Glowing Embers Agastache was glowing in itself! This hummingbird magnet is now on my wish list!

Here is my friend John with the “variegated” Rudbeckia he discovered in his garden. We started thinking of it as “Sullivan’s Gold” but unfortunately it proved not to be valuable.

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