Are Sunflowers Poisonous, Green Flowers, and Aggressive Plants
C.L. and Ellen rave about green flowers, explain the difference between aggressive and invasive plants, and discuss the common belief that sunflowers poison other plants. Plus we answer Meredith’s question about why cut flowers don’t grow roots.
:40 True or False: Sunflowers poison other plants
5:19 Eat/Drink/Grow: Green Flowers!
14:51 The Plant Noob: The difference between aggressive and invasive plants.
19:31 Love Letters and Questions: Meredith asks “What makes some plants easy to propagate, and others not-so-easy?”

The shells of sunflower seeds might inhibit the growth of other seedlings, but sunflowers themselves aren’t poisonous.

This Green Cloud Hydrangea is such an amazing color!

A listener wonders why the stems of flowers in bouquets don’t form roots.
Hi Ellen and C.L.!!
Guess what I’m doing today after listening? Sowing Bells of Ireland outside. Thank you for the tip!! I love green flowers.
Fantastic! Enjoy.
My green hydrangeas have turned white. I’ve heard upping the acid in the soil will turn them green again? Do you have any guidance?
What variety are they? Limelight and Annabelle both start out green but naturally turn white. Annabelle turns a soft green again as it ages. Some mopheads also turn white as they age. If this is what you’re talking about, there is no way to turn them back to green.