Bolting vegetables, Houseplants Outdoors, and Tree Transplantations
Wondering why your salad, broccoli or radishes are flowering? Thinking that the houseplants you put out for the summer aren’t looking fantastic? Learn about attractively arranging houseplants outside, summer orchid care, what “bolting” means in the veggie garden, and a good time to transplant a tree.
:30 Plant Noob: Why some vegetables “bolt”
8:53 Eat/Drink/Grow: Summer orchid care, houseplants at summer camp, and using indoor plants for outdoor décor
22:55 Love Letters and Questions Fred writes that he wants to move a small maple tree that was planted in the wrong place.

These radishes are flowering…aka bolting. Time to pick them and plant new seeds!

Tropical houseplants make stylish containers on decks and porches.

This deck is filled with some houseplants, succulents and a few shrubs and flowering annuals, all attractively arranged.

If a deciduous tree is in the wrong place, early fall is a good time to move it.