0:35 What’s For Dinner? Planting and foraging for a continual harvest

6:25 For the Plant Noob Sending houseplants to “summer camp.”

13:00 Eat/Drink/Grow We talk about Rosa rugosa, aka the beach rose or wild rose. Why Ellen loves it, why C.L. is a bit less enthusiastic, and how to care for this rose.

21.51 Story Plant theft!

27:24 Questions or Love Letters Quinn wants to know how to keep a hanging basket looking good all summer.

Lambs quarters variety that Ellen talks about. The common weed is Chenopodium album.

Here is Ellen’s Summer Camp protection for her houseplants as they stay outdoors in New Mexico.

Your houseplants might spend their summers adding pleasing greenery to your deck or patio.

This picture illustrates what Ellen loves about Rosa rugosa: the rose hips.


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