Dill, Planting in June and What Alliums Do

:38    What’s For Dinner: Dill.   
8:59    Eat/Drink/Grow:  “Is it too late to plant?” 
20:14   Insider Information:  What alliums do.
22:42   Love Letters and Questions: Donna re: miniature lemon cypress tree

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In this first of five June episodes, C.L. and Ellen talk about growing dill, planting in the summer, and what allium foliage does when these bulbs come into bloom. Plus we answer a listener’s question about growing lemon cypress trees indoors…was she given bad advice?

We love dill for the foliage, flowers and seeds.

This is C.L.’s garden in June. Just before this photo was taken, she planted annuals in the front of the bed and some perennials behind. Planting goes on into July in her gardens!

Look just under this elegant allium flower that’s starting to emerge, and you’ll see the dying foliage of another Allium behind this one. It’s natural that allium leaves decline even as the flowers begin to open.

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