Frozen Greens, Cannas, and Peroxide in the Garden
In this episode you’ll hear about ways to prepare the chard, kale or other greens you froze last summer. Learn why water beads up on some leaves, all about Cannas, and if hydrogen peroxide is a good thing to use on plant problems.
:30 What’s for dinner: Greens from the freezer
4:22 Insider Information: What are “Hydrophobic leaves?”
8:55 Eat/Drink/Grow: Cannas
17:42 Love Letters and Questions: Samantha asked about using hydrogen peroxide in the garden

Ellen blanches stinging nettle greens before eating or freezing them.

Lady’s mantle is an example of leaves that hold drops of water like diamonds on display.

There are so many wonderful varieties of Cannas! They are worth growing for the foliage alone.
Hi CL and Ellen,
Last summer I grew cannas and several Hawaiian series elephant ears each in their own pot. Pots were about 12″ dia. They started out with nice big leaves but as the summer progress the leaves would die off. New leaves grew but stayed small. They might have been root bound. I brought them into the garage for the winter and have left them in their containers. What steps do you suggest for me to have big beautiful leaves again this year.
Our guess is that the plants dried out as the summer progressed – a 12″ pot is pretty small for these big-rooted plants! You’re on the right track to think about them being root bound. Transplant them into a pot that’s at least 18″ in diameter, and water them twice a day in very hot weather, or days that are sunny and windy. Be sure that there is only potting soil in the container, no rocks etc at the bottom of the pot.
Thanks CL! Appreciate your thoughts and directions. Will take your advice.