Mint, Harvesting Garlic, and Plant Supports
Ellen and C.L. discuss ways to use the mint you grow, the basics of harvesting garlic, and ways of supporting vegetables and newly planted trees. Plus we answer a listener’s question about spraying fertilizer directly onto foliage.
:33 What’s for dinner: Mint beyond mojitos
4:12 Insider Information: Harvesting Garlic
17:46 Eat/Drink/Grow: Plant supports.
26:40 Love Letters and Questions: Karen asks about spring fertilizer directly on plants.
Ellen and C.L. love the watering equipment from Dramm and we are pleased to be supported by our friends at Dramm Rainwands.

Mint can be used for many dishes including chopped in salads, sprinkled in sandwiches and on rich meats or fish.

Harvest garlic by first digging below to loosen the roots, then pull up by the stalks and shake off the dirt.

Flopping peonies can be attractively staked using twine and one stake. Click on this image to get to the post on C.L.’s website that shows this in detail.

There are many ways to support tomatoes – here, the gardeners put up stakes on either side of the row and ran wire or twine between them, so that the tomatoes are supported on both sides.

Don’t forget to remove staking or you may kill the plant down the road! This tree was strangled by old staking that had never been removed.