Paperwhite Narcissus, Cyclamen and The Franklinia Tree
0:30 – 5:37 What’s for Dinner: Calamondin Citrus
5:43 – 11:51 Did You Know: Paperwhite Narcissus
12:02 – 20:08 Eat/Drink/Grow: Cyclamen
20:14 – 24:53 Insider Information: The Franklinia Story
24:56 – 27:28 Love Letters and Questions: Addison asks about weeds to eat from the lawn.

This is the end of the crop on C.L.’s Calamondin citrus plant – this photo was taken in December and she’d been harvesting fruit since July! What the photo doesn’t show is that there are small fruits forming for next year at the same time these are being cut and eaten.

There are so many wonderful varieties of Cyclamen available and some have very striking foliage!

When buying a florist’s Cyclamen look for small, new buds that are forming at the base of the stems. If you see several of these in different stages of development you’ll know that you plant will flower for many weeks to come.

These paperwhite Narcissus bulbs are in a crock on top of a couple of inches of stones. Once they reach the top of the pot I’ll put a stake with a ribbon into the container that I’ll use to support the tall stems and leaves as they grow.