Planting Bulbs, Ten-Minute Improvements, and The Leaf-Stack Challenge
:55 Just For Fun: It’s the leaf stack challenge! Or we should say, #leafstackchallenge
4:00 Eat/Drink/Grow: Quick fixes to your landscape. Whether you’re having company or just want to spruce up the garden for your own pleasure, Ellen and C.L. offer 10-minute fixes anyone can do.
11:16 Insider Information: Myths about planting bulbs. Thanks to Bill Miller, Professor of Horticulture at Cornell for giving us the real dirt on planting bulbs. See the bulb planting machine here
15:20 Love Letters and Questions: Monty wonders when someone should pull out or cut down flowering annuals in the fall.

Ellen created this leafstack from foliage in New Mexico.

This leaf stack is made of all edible plants. In fact, after C.L. took this photo, she added salad dressing and ate it for lunch.

How deep should you plant bulbs? According to the research done at Cornell, not very deeply at all.
Can these be mounted onto poster board and Mod Podged to preserve and save?
Unfortunately pressed leaves or flowers fade very quickly, even if coated with Mod Podge. So you’d very quickly see just a bunch of brown leaves. You’d be far better off to take a good photo of your leaf stack and then either send it to an on-line photo print place or take it into some place such as Staples and have a poster-sized print made of the photo. Some services, such as, give you a choice of papers etc. so be sure to Google something like “fine art prints of photos” to see all the places you can have this done. If you have one made, be sure to email us the image of the print on your wall!