Rainbow Roses, Dish Garden Care, and Jerusalem Artichokes

In this podcast C.L. and Ellen discuss the “rainbow rose scam,” how to handle the plants in a dish garden, growing and eating Jerusalem artichokes, and smaller sunflowers for the garden. 

:28 True or False? You Can Grow Rainbow Roses From Seed
4:49 Plant Noob: What to do with a dish garden long term
8:19 Eat/Drink/Grow: Jerusalem artichokes – Helianthus tuberosus, aka sunchokes.
17:10 Love Letters and Questions: Sandy asks about growing dwarf sunflowers

This episode of Plantrama is brought to you by our friends at  American Meadows.
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Sunchoke flowers are tall but never need staking.

Here are the tubers harvested from sunchokes.

Take a dish garden apart and repot each plant in its own container.

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