Raspberries, Rock Walls, and Perennial Bloom
Ellen and C.L. talk about the difference between raspberries and blackberries, give suggestions for plants that grow well in the tiny spaces in rock walls, and discuss whether you should panic when you see bugs on a plant. We end with a listener’s question about a perennial garden filled with early-summer bloomers.
This podcast has been supported by our good friends at Dramm: Rainwand.com
:30 What’s For Dinner: Raspberries
6:32 Eat/Drink/Grow: Plants to grow in Rock Walls
18:19 Plant Noob: What to assume when you see an insect?
22:24 Love Letters and Questions: Leddy wonders if the perennials she bought in May can be brought into flower again.
Ellen’s recipe for puff pastry, brie and raspberry appetizer.

We discuss the difference between blackberries and raspberries on this episode. Here you see red and golden raspberries and blackberries.

Ellen grows chocolate flower (Berlandiera lyrata) in gravel, and says that when it’s in bloom you think that someone is baking brownies!

The rock walls in C.L.’s garden are in spring bloom with Aurinia saxatilis, aka basket-of-gold. Later the oxeye daisies bloom here, then the foxglove and some Verbascum.