Standards, Yarrow, Voles and a Book Review
Ellen and C.L. explain what a “standard form” plant is and why you might want to plant the perennial yarrow in your landscape. Hear a rave review of Jessica Walliser’s new book about science-based companion planting, and learn about vole trails.
:30 Plant Noob: What’s a “standard?”
4:13 Eat/Drink/Grow: Achillea, aka yarrow
14:16 Product Review: Plant Partners book review
19:45 Love Letters and Questions: Tedi wonders about the trails she sees in her garden after a snow melt.

This is a rosemary grown to look like a small tree. When plants are trained and pruned this way, they are called a “standard” or standard form.

We love Achillea! This one is Moonshine yarrow.

Ellen and C.L. love Jessica Walliser’s latest book, Plant Partners.