Too Much Manure, Salt in Soils, and A Plant Threesome

In this episode C.L. and Ellen discuss research into growing plants in salty soils, aerating lawns with spiky shoes, and a plant that’s a three some. We end explaining why it’s possible to have too much manure in your soil.

:47    Did You Know: From the world of Plant Science: salty soils
3:50  True or False: You can aerate your lawn by walking on it with golf shoes.  
7:57 Eat/Drink/Grow:   Lichen: The plant that’s a threesome?  
14:44 Love Letters and Questions:   Tim writes, “Is it possible to have too much manure in your garden soil?”  

Link to the article about salty soils and bacteria:

Be they the crazy strap-on spiky shoes or golf shoes, these are not the way to aerate a lawn.

It’s been known that lichen is a composite organism that arises from algae or cyanobacteria living among filaments of multiple fungi species, but now it’s thought that a yeast is also part of the mix.

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