Chestnuts, Hellebores, and Growing Foxgloves
Ellen and C.L. talk about eating chestnuts, the perennial plant that’s commonly called hellebores, and what it means when you are talking about pesticides. We end with a listener’s question about growing foxglove plants from seed.
:34 What’s For Dinner: Chestnuts
6:31 Eat/Drink/Grow: Helleborus
17:50 Insider Information: Define “Pesticide”
21:38 Love Letters and Questions: Lynn asked about propagating foxgloves
Oh, I feel like SUCH a celebrity! Thank-you for using my question on the pod this week! I didn’t think to include my location: Philadelphia or growing conditions: shady yard with a lot of large and small trees stealing the moisture from my soil. As well as one patch which only gets a blast of late, hot afternoon sun; which is the trickiest part of the yard (so far, a broad-leaf amsonia survives there best). I bought a package of 5,000 ‘Foxy’ foxglove seeds (so, a teaspoon’s worth!) to try broadcasting in spots fluffed up and enriched with some of my ample compost. I am also going to try winter sowing in gallon milkjugs along with heuchera, ligularia and hosta.
We’ll be rooting for you! (Horticultural pun intended.) Keep us posted about how things germinate.