Earthworms, Passion Flowers and Carnivorous Plant Day
C.L. and Ellen tackle the myth that earthworms can grow once cut in half. They extol a favorite vine, the Passiflora, celebrate World Carnivorous Plant Day with margaritas, and discuss water-filled plant protectors. Find out more about carnivorous plants from the International Carnivorous Plant Society.
:27 True or False? Earthworms regrow.
3:53 Eat/Drink/Grow: Passion flower vines
14:05 Insider Information: World Carnivorous Plant Day is May 5th
17:35 Love Letters and Questions: Reginia asks if we can comment on water-filled tomato protection.

We are passionate about passion flowers!

This is just one type of carnivorous plant. Find out more about these plants from the International Carnivorous Plant Society.

Here is an example of the plastic coverings that get filled with water to protect young plants such as tomatoes. The idea is a good one, since water can absorb the heat of the sun in the day and release it into the night. But the reality of using them isn’t perfect.