Transplanting, End of Summer Plant Sales, and Cinnamon Fungicide

Can you move plants now, in the summer? Is it smart to buy end of summer sale plants? Would you like the Earthkind Mosquito repellant? Could cinnamon be used for fungus control by putting it into the soil? These are the questions that C.L. and Ellen consider and answer in today’s episode.

:30  Plant Noob: Should you wait to plant or transplant in the fall?
8:30  Eat/Drink/Grow: Should you buy end of the summer sale plants?
18:30   Announcement: Live Plantrama Events on Cape Cod
Product Review:  Earthkind Mosquito repellant
Love Letters and Questions: A question about cinnamon fungicide from Kristy

Fall is a great time to transplant perennials and grasses.

We loved the Earthkind mosquito spray we tried. Effective and OK to put right on your skin! 

Join us for one of our live events on Cape Cod!



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