Your Outdoor Office, Dwarf Conifers, Hand Watering and Hydrangeas
Do you need shade for your outdoor office? Want a low-maintenance, colorful landscape? Do you hand-water your vegetable plants or want to make your hydrangea flowers blue? C.L. and Ellen talk about all of these issues.
:29 Your Outdoor Office: Ways to make shade
7:10 Eat/Drink/Grow: Dwarf Conifers
20:19 Insider Information: Hand-watering your vegetable
25:03 Love Letters and Questions: Coffee ground for blue hydrangeas

Arbors are a natural way to provide shade for your outdoor office, but be sure to grow a vine that is thick enough to block the sun. These concord grapes do a good job.

This dwarf conifer display shows some of the range of colors, shapes and sizes that these lovely evergreens come in. This photo was taken at Islai Nursery in Oregon a few years ago.

Will coffee grounds make hydrangeas blue?
Love the show! ‘Whipcord’ is in fact a Thuja and find they make a great evergeen for containers for a few years before they get too big. Thanks!