Too Much Manure, Salt in Soils, and A Plant Threesome

Too Much Manure, Salt in Soils, and A Plant Threesome

Ep 126 – In this episode C.L. and Ellen discuss research into growing plants in salty soils, aerating lawns with spiky shoes, and a plant that’s a three some. We end explaining why it’s possible to have too much manure in your soil.

Spring Tonic Salads, Lemon Balm Herb, and Coconut Coir

Spring Tonic Salads, Lemon Balm Herb, and Coconut Coir

Ep 125 – Get inspired to make a spring salad containing flower petals, hear about how a native plant in one area might be invasive elsewhere, and learn about a lemon-scented herb. The episode ends with a question about coconut coir.

Bitters, Terrariums, and Heat For Seed Germination

Bitters, Terrariums, and Heat For Seed Germination

Ep 119 – This episode starts with talk about bitters, what they are, why you want them in a cocktail, and how to make your own. We go on to talk about the basics for making a terrarium and end with a question from a listener about using heat mats for starting seeds.

Roses, Mealy Bug, and Sensitive Plants

Roses, Mealy Bug, and Sensitive Plants

Ep 118 – We begin this episode with the types of roses that are available for gardens, and which are the easiest to grow. Next we discuss the cottony bug that plagues many houseplants, the mealy bug. And we end with a question from a listener about the sensitive plant, a mimosa with leaves that close when you touch them.

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